Siva Nadi Astrology in Vaitheeswaran Koil

Siva Nadi Astrology in Vaitheeswaran Koil

Many sages have contributed to Hindu nadi astrology, and forecasts for past, present, and future human life are shown on nadi leaves written by maharishis. future. Several of them were written by Siddha sages like Agastya, Sugar, Dhanvantari, and others. Several of them were composed by Saptharishis, also known as Maharishis, such as Atri, Bhrighu, and others (the Seven Maharishis). The Sivanadi, on the other hand, is a particular kind of Nadi that records dialogue between Lord Parvati, the supreme Deity, and Lord Siva. It is thought that Lord Siva and Parvati converse about a person’s traits for their past, present, and future lives. to help them achieve spiritual redemption and escape their recurrent cycles of birth.

Generally speaking, sivanadi (shivnadi jyotish) is a literary script that is often spoken in Tamil and depicts a dialogue between Lord Siva and Parvati. The nadi seeker can confirm that these discussions about them were written expressly for them by the fact that they usually start with some form of fact, such as evidence that they are the seeker’s nadi forecasts. The Sivanadi Jyothisham contains readings composed by sages and holy men, who make prayers to Shiva and Parvati to provide guidance to the person consulting the nadi about what the future holds for them.