Palm leaf astrology & Olai chuvudi jothidam In Vaitheeswaran Koil


The Most Greatest Indian country is filled with many treasures. For instance, one of these is an ancient method of telling predictions through Naadi Astrology. Indian ancient Saints have written their predictions in the palm leaves, which dates back to 3000 years long. They are written in the old Tamil Language. These letters from the ancient Tamil Language letters are difference from the contemporary Tamil Language. The Tamil people who speak Tamil keep these leaves in a safe place and futuristic predictions can be read out of the leaves of every human being in the world. This is known as NAADI ASTROLOGY. In every country, people can obtain the future forecasts by examining our palms.


In the past of India there was a community that performed this divine service. The name for this community was VALLUVA community. Our family is part of that community called VALLUVA. Our family’s genealogy offers these Naadi leaf predictions for the last 200 years. We have been well-trained by our forefathers and ancestors to be able to read and comprehend the old Tamil Language letters. Our ancestors have taken these palm leaf writings in various areas in Indian country. They had given these services with no self-interest. This is considered to be the divine service offered by our nation and is aimed at the benefit of the entire universe. You can also get the predictions you want also in English Language also.


It is important to provide the Thumb impression in the beginning. It can be done via email, WhatsApp and in person. The thumb impression from the right side will be required by Male hands while the left thumb impression is needed in female hands. Based on your thumb impression your leaf will be recognized.

The palm leaves of the past can be observed in bundles. Each bundle is comprised of more than 50 leaves. The leaf you choose to read will be read out by our skilled readers. You will need to read the sentences carefully and then respond with only “YES” or “NO” as your response. Based on the impression you make of your thumb the four or 5 bundles are offered. The exact leaf will be sorted through the bundles one at a time. Through these procedures the exact leaf can be discovered within 30 minutes , or within an hour.

It is possible to make the future’s predictions only from the leaves. The past cannot be discerned by the leaf. As you get older and all your age forecasts will be outlined within the leaf.

There are two kinds of predictions that can be derived from the leaf. One of them is SUKSHMA NAADI. It will provide all the details in a straightforward manner. The charges for service will be very low in this case.

Another type is known by the name of ADHISUKSHMA NAADI. It will provide specifics. The charges for service will be very high in this case.

The General chapter reading will initially be given to you by SUKSHMA or ADHISUKSHMA NAADI styles. You will be able to get the entire future period forecast through this chapter. If you’d like to know more in detail for a specific issue, a separate chapter reading will be provided to you. There will be an additional cost. However, this isn’t mandatory to everyone. For instance, in relation to your wedding, the General Chapter will give you information regarding your marriage, including the how old you are married, the quality of the marriage and so on. If you’d like to know more about your wedding, you can get your predictions from the marriage chapter of Naadi Astrology.